Dreams again

This is actually the blog I made for last week, but instead of typing I used a voice to text app. Sounded smart, but when I wanted to get it ready for the net…. Let’s just say I am late because this turned into a jigsaw puzzle. I don’t recall everything from the dreams, that’s why I used the app to begin with, but it recorded other words than I said, so……. I hope you can make something of it, but I can understand if you stop reading before the end, so just in case you won’t get there, let me say this: Love, Dreamer.

Okay I had a dream last night and two the night before. I’m starting with the one from last night because that’s the most disturbing one I think.

My dad is somehow alive because of some sci-fi thing that happened or something. He had come back from the dead. We had enjoyed his company a while longer than we would have if the sci-fi thing hadn’t happened in my dream. I forgot what it was, just that it was a sci-fi solution.

So my dad had been back with us and the first thing I remember in my dream is him standing in the middle of a room where doctors were present as well. He gets this funny look on his face, grabs hold of his chest, stands with his legs apart and topples over just like that. A doctor walks towards him and without doing anything declares him dead. The Sci-Fi thingy stopped working, it’s all the time we had left. We don’t know that at first and I think: “oh no my dad, I’ve lost him” and I feel a great loss. Then I start remembering the Sci-Fi thing, that makes me feel better because we had more time than we should have had.

So the next thing that happened in my dream (and this is the biggest portion of my dreams, my dad toppling over was just a small part) my phone rang and I thought ts was my boss (an elderly man). In my dream there’s this event planned and I would take participate since I was part of the organisation. I had this sentence I had to say in a place where I had to stand and all things would intertwine. It made sense in my dreams, not when I’m telling you in my diary. So I’m on the phone with my boss, I tell him what happened and I’ll see him tomorrow to talk about the event that will be taking place the day after tomorrow and my boss tells me: “you’re not coming in tomorrow!”. I tell him yes, he tells me no. I am to stay at home tomorrow to think about what happened, to feel my feelings. In real life I went to work when I shouldn’t, when I should take time for emotions. Stopping to ‘feel’ is something I don’t do, working is lot easier than thinking. At least I think so, and then when I get to work it turns out I can’t concentrate and I can go home again. But in my dream my boss won, I didn’t go to work because my boss told me not to come.

The day after tomorrow I went to work. I listened to the tomorrow part after all, so the day after tomorrow is free game. I thought it was my boss that told me I couldn’t come to work, but it turned out it wasn’t. It was his father. My boss didn’t like me to start with and when I got to work I heard everyone gossiping about my boss not being too happy with me in losing my father and not coming to work and then my boss comes. He says: “follow me please, we need to talk.” There’s no need to be doing nothing while talking, so we’re going to work as well and we get to this stable I guess. He rinses off a pin to put on your nose and hands it to me. He already has one on his nose. It’s more like a clamp.

We go to work and there he goes telling me all the things that went wrong and I don’t recall what he was telling me I just recall feeling like crap for a second, then something else happened, and that’s something I don’t have in real life. I told him off. I told him how wrong he was, how I gave everything I had working for him. He always got 100%. I don’t know what happened after that there’s just one dream I recall after that, and I don’t think it’s related to this one, because we were driving around. We passed this house that burned to the ground and we talked about that house. Somehow that was where someone we loved had lived and I think it might have been the elderly man I had been talking to earlier in the dream. That means it would be the same dreams as where dad died.

Apparently the burned down house was one that was beloved by everyone in the car because it had been a place to rest when cycling and stuff like that. That’s truly the end of the dream because that’s when I woke up and I remember nothing else.

Now the night before I had two dreams. I lived in sort-off a fairy world with classes. These classes were literally on top of each other. The better your class was the higher up you were I was with some sort of woman and kids and we were hunted. We didn’t belong where we were. If we went on the street we took a risk of getting captured. There where people searching for us like child services or things like that. One time we went outside, into the woods, and then we got hunted down. Somehow we ended up in the marketplace with the whole group. We looked down over the railing to see if we could escape that way. There was a rope leading down. The woman in charge put one of the little kids inside a soldiers bag. The child fit, don’t ask me why, with enough room. I hung onto the rope the woman in charge hung onto me and the bag, and we slid down to the lowest level there was.

I think I mixed the levels up. The lower the level was, the better it was, because it was closer to the earth I guess. It makes no sense, but it’s the dream, so it doesn’t matter. At the lower level we split up and I went to a bunch of people’s to talk to them. I tried to look like I belonged. At some point a man walked up to me and started to talk to us, describing a female. They were trying to find the group that escaped from the higher level. He describe me and I kept looking at him like I was very confused about what he was saying, like I had nothing to do with the thing he was talking about. They bought it because they didn’t take me in.

I went to a house where I had been before. I remembered I had been on the lower levels and escaped them once before because this family that kept me hidden and made plans on how to get me up again. The family had moved, someone else live there now. I figured that out just in time and that’s where this dream ends I guess.

ln the next dreams my partner and I are walking through a wooded area. We pass a jeep and on the shadow side of the Jeep I notice a Spiderman doll. I don’t know where we are going, but I follow my partner. We go into the woods, there’s this cabin kind of thing. Maybe this is actually the same dream…. I thought they were separate, but maybe I was just fleeing from the same people as in the first dream. I don’t know how but my partner was there.

We enter this cabin. It looks like a big wooden treasure chest or something, only it had opened sides. We walk in to look around and I notice a clock. Everything inside the chest gives me a feeling of doom. It feels like in movies, when you know the action taken can only go bad. Both of us think: “oh no”. We want to get out, but all doors close, no way out anymore. Then There are three of us instead of just me and my partner.

There’s a recorded message playing that states the doors of this chests will be open exactly 15 seconds a day. Yeah we pick those 15 seconds to get in and be trapped! The message says that automatic guns will be shooting into the room regularly and we see this trail at our feet. Bullet holes in the floor, but only smack in the middle part, from one end to the other. We step to the sides as machine guns begin shooting and miss. Because they only shoot the same path over and over We’ll be safe on the sides. There are doors we can open and every door gets opened .I don’t open a single one mind you, I know better than that. I don’t watch thrillers or horror movies because I know every time you open a door…. well actually every time they open a door you get scared and you’re lucky to be alive and not ever had a heart attack.

Every time the others open a door they screamed in fear try to close doors. Behind every door are other people. Some of them are dead, but don’t seem to know this. Then at one point some of us or one of us, I don’t remember, notice there was this hatch leading to an attic or something. it was probably a good idea to open that…….as if! Thank you! So the Hatch gets opened and down comes this flow of water. It had been some kind of an aquarium room and all the water that comes down takes two people with it. Some of the people from the rooms are alive some are ghosts, I don’t recall. It was scary as hell.

Then my dream switches to a house on top of a cliff, where a girl waves. This girl has the ability to shift through dimensions I guess. She gets out of her house… sort of floats out of her house. The air around her is almost solid, not truly solid because she can move through it and it’s her doing. She changes the air.Tthat’s the dimension shifting I guess. She’s on her way to go and save us, or at least that’s what I think she’s going to do.

I can’t tell you if it’s really what she was going to do, because that’s when I woke up. Maybe she was the one that kept us there, who knows. I woke up. I try to remember as well as I can. This is what I can make of it. I’m not able to analyse this. I don’t know… I truly don’t know. Maybe you have any ideas, so tell me if you do, I’d love to hear your ideas. For now, have a great weekend, week or whatever you want. well that’s it for now, write to you later!


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